The "
Real Estate Investor Lunch, Learn, & Connect" is a new event we're trying so I'm writing the rules as we go. We know many of you are unable to attend our 1st Saturday of the month meetings so we wanted to try something new. The intent here is to meet, network and connect new investors with local investors, contractors and agents to help educate, build your buyer's list, and
DO MORE DEALS. This event will rotate around to different locations when we have them. This month will be located in
Fort Worth on January 16 @ Buffalo West, 7101 Camp Bowie West, Fort Worth, TX 76116 There will be a
short 10-15 minute Q&A Session so bring the questions you want answered and I'll do my best to answer them all.
Feel free to share this with your partners, investor connections, and your social media connections so we all benefit.
Be sure to bring lots of business cards for networking and your deals if you have them.
DATE, TIME & LOCATION -16 January 2020; 12:00 pm @ Buffalo West
7101 Camp Bowie West, Fort Worth, TX 76116 NOTE: The event is free BUT lunch is on your Nickle :-)