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West DFW REI Group

Author: ron legrand (1 articles found) - Clear Search

Components of a Good Business Card



A business card is not a memoir or biography of you. No one cares how great you are, how long you’ve been in business, your great service, and empty promises, no one believes anyway.

For any of your advertising to be successful, it must answer one very important question in the mind of the reader…


What is in it for me?

In other words, who cares?

If it doesn’t answer this question, your cards are almost worthless. You have a nanosecond to capture the prospect's attention, and if you fail the cards will hit the trash as soon as you leave.

Fancy graphics, your photo, and any words that don’t contribute to answering WIIFM is a waste of space.

There is only one purpose of a card, sign, letter, ad, or most any other media. It’s not to sell anything… It’s to get the phone to ring.

Here are some common mistakes I see at every Quick Start School when I critique cards:

Don’t answer WIIFM: Leaving no reason to call. Many cards are worded so poorly you can’t tell what business they’re in, much less have a reason to call.

Too hard to rea