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Tag: entrepreneurial struggles (1 articles found) - Clear Search

entrepreneurial struggles



Hi, my name is Steve Liang, and I am an entrepreneur. I want to share some of my challenges and struggles being an entrepreneur.

One of my biggest struggles has been finding the right balance between my work and my life.

Early on, I was a workaholic. I would get up at 7, 8 AM, and work until midnight, and I would work nonstop, just focus on building - build systems, marketing, client base, infrastructure… you name it, the work is endless.

I LOVED this life. It was fun, and it was addictive because over time, you figure out what it takes to make the business grow, and growing is fun, addictive, and awesome.

But this “whatever it takes” attitude is not healthy. It was great for business but very bad for life. I was so focused on solving problems in the business, I neglected my personal life relationship. You know it’s funny, I always read about startup founders end up breaking up with their girlfriends, or getting a divorce, and I always thought, we are OK - it’s never going to happen to us, we are doing fine. Boy was I wrong.

About 3 years ago, my wife Kathy and I got married, and when we started talking and reflecting back, we realized that our relationship was on the verge of falling apar