West DFW REI Group

The "Watering Hole" for North Texas Real Estate Investors!




West DFW REI Group

Category: real estate investment groups (4 articles found) - Clear Search

Stop Talking - Start Doing: 10 Tips to Turn Your 2024 DFW Real Estate Dreams into Reality


 real estate

Real estate investing success demands more than just planning and talking; it necessitates taking decisive action. As we head toward 2024, it's critical to escape the loop of paralysis by analysis and transform goals into real achievements. Stop talking and start acting is the key. These ten-pointers will help you realize your real estate goals in the thriving DFW market and lead the way on this life-changing adventure.

1. Set Specific, Well-Researched Goals

Setting well-defined and researched goals requires more than just aiming for numbers in the dynamic DFW real estate market. It necessitates a deeper comprehension of demographic trends, local economic indicators, and the situation of the housing market as a whole. For ideas that will help you achieve your objectives, think about speaking with local professionals or going to DFW real estate seminars. It is more likely that your goals will be successful if you take a proactive approach that makes sure they match the present and future dynamics of the market.

2. Develop a Comprehensive Plan

A comprehensive plan is not just a static document; it's a dynamic roadmap that evolves with market conditions. Integrate flex

The Basics Of An Investor Wholesaling Agreement in Dallas Fort Worth



A wholesale agreement for properties in Dallas-Fort Worth will be important to you as an investor, so make sure you grasp and understand everything about it. Learn more about the process and what to expect in our most recent post!

When two real estate investors/ wholesalers come together to find a distressed property at a low price, a real estate wholesaler agreement or a wholesale real estate contract will be required. The wholesaler enters into a contract with the seller to purchase the property, and then transfers or assigns ownership of the contract to the buyer. In essence, the wholesaler acts as a go-between between the seller and the new buyer, bringing together two people who might not otherwise have come into contact.

Contract Basics

There are many types of investor contracts available in today's investing world.  Some people use a real estate attorney to draft and evaluate for you to ensure that all terms and clauses are legally sound and make sense for all parties involved in the transaction. Many investors use their State-created contracts.  In Texas, we use the TREC 1 to 4 family contract.  Even though nu

Benefits of Joining Your Local REIA


Benefits of Joining Your Local REIA

REIA is an abbreviation for Real Estate Investing Association / Group.  REIA groups or clubs as some are called, are an invaluable tool to meet people from all walks of life who have an interest in real estate investing and to learn all about the REI business.  Members of REIA groups are like-minded groups of men and women “where deals and funding meet.”  Companies have been formed, and deals have been made directly from the relationships developed and information shared at REIA group events.  I refer to them as your real estate investor “watering hole.”  Members attend the “Watering Hole” to learn and find deals and funding. 

Learn more about the benefits of joining your local REIA group through the Infographic below:

Education - Here's a small list of topics you may see at your local REIA:

+ Getting Started

+ Foreclosures

+ Sh