West DFW REI Group

The "Watering Hole" for North Texas Real Estate Investors!




West DFW REI Group

Tag: real estate investor education group (5 articles found) - Clear Search

The Basics Of An Investor Wholesaling Agreement in Dallas Fort Worth



A wholesale agreement for properties in Dallas-Fort Worth will be important to you as an investor, so make sure you grasp and understand everything about it. Learn more about the process and what to expect in our most recent post!

When two real estate investors/ wholesalers come together to find a distressed property at a low price, a real estate wholesaler agreement or a wholesale real estate contract will be required. The wholesaler enters into a contract with the seller to purchase the property, and then transfers or assigns ownership of the contract to the buyer. In essence, the wholesaler acts as a go-between between the seller and the new buyer, bringing together two people who might not otherwise have come into contact.

Contract Basics

There are many types of investor contracts available in today's investing world.  Some people use a real estate attorney to draft and evaluate for you to ensure that all terms and clauses are legally sound and make sense for all parties involved in the transaction. Many investors use their State-created contracts.  In Texas, we use the TREC 1 to 4 family contract.  Even though nu

Components of a Good Business Card



A business card is not a memoir or biography of you. No one cares how great you are, how long you’ve been in business, your great service, and empty promises, no one believes anyway.

For any of your advertising to be successful, it must answer one very important question in the mind of the reader…


What is in it for me?

In other words, who cares?

If it doesn’t answer this question, your cards are almost worthless. You have a nanosecond to capture the prospect's attention, and if you fail the cards will hit the trash as soon as you leave.

Fancy graphics, your photo, and any words that don’t contribute to answering WIIFM is a waste of space.

There is only one purpose of a card, sign, letter, ad, or most any other media. It’s not to sell anything… It’s to get the phone to ring.

Here are some common mistakes I see at every Quick Start School when I critique cards:

Don’t answer WIIFM: Leaving no reason to call. Many cards are worded so poorly you can’t tell what business they’re in, much less have a reason to call.

Too hard to rea

What's Stopping You From Getting Started?



What’s stopping you from getting started may be the question you’ve asked yourself for quite a while now. Because this is a simple topic to address, I'm going to keep this post brief today. It cannot be easy to put into practice at times, but the remedy is straightforward.

Here's the million-dollar question: 

"What can I do to overcome my apprehension and procrastination and get started"?

--Get rid of your excuses and your mile-long to-do list.

This week, I've heard more excuses from people who can't seem to get started in real estate investing than I have in a long time. They must wait until the stars are "perfectly aligned" before they can begin. You know, reasons like these:

  • I don't know where to start
  • I haven't chosen a logo yet.
  • I have to make a decision on whether or not to form a limited liability company (LLC).
  • I need to decide whether to use a yellow or green postcard.
  • I don't have a suitable image to utilize in my marketing materials.
  • I'm undecided on whether to use white or colored envelopes for my mailings.
  • I'm not sure where my buy-and-hold



 Magnolia Title
Starting February 1, 2021, Texas Real Estate Agents have the option, but not the requirement, to use the new TREC 20-15 1-4 Family Residential Contract (Resale), which contains new provisions for the Title Insurance Agent to receipt and disburse the Option Fee.  This contract form becomes mandatory for use by all Texas Real Estate Agents after April 1, 2021.

Changes from the prior 20-14 form contained in the new 20-15 contract form include –

      Deleting paragraph 23 dealing with the Option Fee and combining Option Fee provisions into paragraph 5 with the Earnest Money Provisions.

      Both the Option Fee and the Earnest Money are to be delivered to the Title Insurance Agent, referred to as escrow agent in the Contract form.

      The Option Fee and Earnest Money can be delivered in a single check, rather than in separate checks as required previously.

      The new Contract form now provides for a separate receipt of the Option Fee and the Earnest Money, with the receipt of the Option Fee being subtly changed from being signed by the Seller’s Broker to requiring the signature of the escrow agent. Make sure yo

Benefits of Joining Your Local REIA


Benefits of Joining Your Local REIA

REIA is an abbreviation for Real Estate Investing Association / Group.  REIA groups or clubs as some are called, are an invaluable tool to meet people from all walks of life who have an interest in real estate investing and to learn all about the REI business.  Members of REIA groups are like-minded groups of men and women “where deals and funding meet.”  Companies have been formed, and deals have been made directly from the relationships developed and information shared at REIA group events.  I refer to them as your real estate investor “watering hole.”  Members attend the “Watering Hole” to learn and find deals and funding. 

Learn more about the benefits of joining your local REIA group through the Infographic below:

Education - Here's a small list of topics you may see at your local REIA:

+ Getting Started

+ Foreclosures

+ Sh