Virtual Online Meeting!
Come join us at the "Virtual Real Estate Investor Lunch, Learn, & Connect". We’ll be meeting on-line until we get past the COVID19 and Stay-at-Home issue. The intent behind these meetings is to network and connect and talk about anything that's on your mind related to real estate investing. We will be using ZOOM for all our Online meetings so be sure to check your spam and junk folders for the Confirmation Email you will receive right you Pre-Register below and the email reminder the morning of the event with your login instructions.
Feel free to share this on-line meeting with your partners, investor connections, and your social media connections so we all benefit and be sure to bring your questions.
IMPORTANT: The ZOOM link needed to attend this meeting will be sent to you in your Registration Confirmation Email after you Pre-Register BELOW.
AGENDA OF THE CALL – Whatever you desire, i.e. market conditions, pre-foreclosures, marketing, sub-to, joint venture, websites, investor tools, etc. BRING YOUR QUESTIONS...
VIRTUAL NETWORKING / LIST BUILDING TIME – Networking and list building is a huge reason for attending our physical meetings, however, since we can't do that now we will do our best to help everyone build your list during the call.
LOCATION - "ON-LINE ONLY" using the ZOOM link you will receive in the Registration Confirmation Email you will receive after you Pre-Register BELOW.
DATE, TIME: Every 3rd Thursday at 12:00-1:00
NOTE: The event is free BUT lunch is on your Nickle :-)